We went to Key West to make a delivery. When we have to do things like that, we coordinate anything and everything we possibly can think of to do down there at the same time. Lately we've been heading into the city about once a week (twice this week thanks to my very poor interpretation of the art show dates), and will be heading down again on Saturday due to that scheduled pickup I expected last weekend. During our mini road trip, we bought supplies for the business, and stopped at a nice, and very funky, consignment shop in town. A while ago, when I realized I actually needed readers (sigh) for things like cookbooks, menus, maps, the newspaper, instructions of any sort (uh, well you get the idea), I took the plunge with a hand painted pair of magnifiers. I had them quite a while, and was very careful with them. I lost them, my one and only pair, about 10 days ago. I've been borrowing Mr. Happy Vegans on an as needed basis, but his are much stronger than mine, and aren't helping me very much. He has about a thousand pairs of them scattered around the house. I never understood that theory, until about 10 days ago when I lost mine.
So, we went back to that consignment shop that sells very funky things, including hand painted readers. I was happy they still carry them. I found a pair I can live with, and was convinced to pick up an additional pair "just in case."
Mr. Happy Vegan was preoccupied with manly things in the store, so I was able to browse a while. That is when I came across a fabulous display of tiaras. "I must have a tiara!" I exclaimed. As I unpinned tiara after tiara from the display and tried them on, I was transported back to being 7 years old playing dress up with my box of beads, rhinestones and frou-frou things. I had a box of "fancies" that was given to me by my mom's mother. I had it for a very long time. Those "fancies" were in today's age probably worth a fair amount of money. Vintage 1920s, 30s and 40s era jewelry, hat pins, and so forth. I had a tiara in there. I have no idea what happened to most of those items, although I have a few pieces packed away that survived many moves and turmoil in the past. Things get lost, things disappear. Such is the story of my vintage tiara. So, there I was trying on tiaras in Key West. There were some very large tiaras which I considered too gaudy, pirate tiaras with skulls (yuk & blasphemy!), and even black tiaras. I considered a black tiara, but its just not right for every day wear. I settled on a nice traditional tiara with a forward slant. Not too tall, not too swirly. It is, as Goldilocks would say, "just right." A tiara adds just the right amount of fabulousness to any outfit. This is key, considering what comes next.
I came home, changed back into work clothes, tied up my hair, then put on my tiara. I put my apron on, and began unloading and re-loading the dishwasher. I still have to wash the floor, and do some prep for tomorrow. Its all good though, because have a tiara. It adds just the right amount of fabulousness to any outfit, just like I said.
Everyone needs a tiara.
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