
Friday, December 10, 2010

Bad Blogger

Hello friends, I have been a bad blogger. Sorry, its been a few days. Time really does get away from me all too often. How about you, do you have the same problem? Its amplified this time of year, don't you think? We're in full swing of "the holiday season." Parties. Shopping. Eating. Rushing here. Running there. Its easy to find ourselves caught up in things that perhaps we shouldn't devote our precious time too, yet we do. May I offer a suggestion?

Breathe. Yup, that's right, its that simple. Breathe. Feeling stressed about the "to do" list being too long? Stop what you're doing, and walk away from it. Take a breath, then another, and another. Clear your head. Free your mind. Take an extra day off from the blog (!!) Choose your battles. What is more important to you? Really, what is most important to you. Then edit from there.

Find a way to live with things not being so perfect. Maybe that will help you, I can vouch it has helped me. I really did used to have a very different perception of how things "should" be. Instead now I find myself so happy to be with someone I love even for a brief moment; maybe having a piece of (cheeseless!) pizza, or a cup of (organic!) chai. All my changes have come from within, and they are profound. Pull out the finger paints with the kids, yes its messy, but its water based and wipes up with a rag easy enough. Make a craft project, bake some cookies, watch a video, make some popcorn. Its ok to accept that life is messy, and things aren't perfect.

I had a chance this past weekend to slow down. My massage license needed some continuing education units. Those CEU's came in the form of a very nurturing teacher named Pete, with wonderful peers in the class. His teachings were not just academics, rather they came with constant balancing reminders that each of us is important, and really enjoy each fleeting moment. Being the height of a very busy season, what can I say, I took a lot more out of that class than new techniques.

I'm doing my best to slow down a bit more, making do with what I have, not worrying about perfection, but rather just enjoying people, places & experiences. I'm not worrying is my silver polished, or does it matter if my vegetable stock came from a box or from 10 hours of cooking.

I hope you will find a moment today to breathe, smile at the person pumping your gas (oops, there's the Jersey girl in me, does anyone else in this country NOT pump gas besides NJ??), be kind to your sales clerk, and take that extra 6 seconds it might take to be courteous to those you meet today. We've all got something weighing on our own minds, isn't it amazing that a kind word perhaps can make a moment better for the next person's worries? I think so, and besides, it will pay itself forward. This I believe.

Have a peaceful day.

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