
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Here's a secret: I never aspired to be an innkeeper. Here's something not so secret: everyone else I meet seems to want to be an innkeeper. Its true, I swear it. I cannot tell you how many times I hear "I've always wanted to own a bed and breakfast," "you're living my dream" or something else along those lines.

So, you REALLY think you want to be an innkeeper? Its not that glamorous (there's a lot of manual labor involved) and has very long hours. Sometimes paths cross with people who I'd rather not, and the pay is not (yet) worth retiring over. So, why do I do this, and why do so many others want to do it? Its easy for me to say as far as others wanting to do it, simple ignorance. You don't really know what's involved til you're doing it. As far as me doing it, well, I actually (most days) enjoy what I do, and find that I have a much better quality of life than I ever had before. Its about percentages at this point in my life. I want the higher percentage of my time to be spent doing things I choose to, not things I have to. I have no special background to do this beyond taking a few night classes on the subject and reading a book or 2 (the exception to this is the culinary training I had specifically for this inn). Our "preparation" for this is actually that Mr. Happy Vegan and I had frequent parties, lived down the shore, and became accustomed to hosting. That my dear, is absolutely 100% true. We like parties, and most anything associated with them. Big parties, small parties. Planned parties, and impromptu parties. They're all good. Somehow having frequent parties does prepare you for innkeeping. Trust me.

It seems I never used to have enough free time. I'm not sure how that is even possible all things considered. For years I worked in an office with relatively structured hours. I was stressed out though, sheer exhaustion would often ruin me. So, even though I theoretically worked far fewer hours, without a doubt I accomplished far less on my free time than I do now.

When I woke up today, it was still dark out. I stumbled to the kitchen, and began playing with muffin pans, flour and so forth. Eventually Mr. Happy Vegan produced a perfect cup of coffee in front of me as I worked preparing the meal. Mr. Happy Vegan chats with guests on our coffee hour before breakfast and serves the food come 8:30. I stay in the kitchen doing that work. Once breakfast is served, I begin some light kitchen cleanup then usually am game for some socializing with guests. Today during my social time with guests, Pop arrived at our place. In his golf cart. Which Mr. Happy Vegan has outfitted with DUAL air horns. Pop announced his arrival with the (dual) air horns. This of course sparked an entire conversation about our colorful 101 year old neighbor named Pop.

After breakfast, the cleaning began in earnest. Then I ran, stopping at Pop's to sit for a visit. During my run, several endangered Key deer observed me as I went through my paces. Once I returned, laundry began (which never ends). I decided to work on my eco art again today. I carried all my projects onto the beach and pulled out my paints. I sat on the sand and painted for a few hours. Peri magically appeared. He had been sleeping in a big patch of sea oats on the dune. He inspected my work, meowed, and sat down on one of my unfinished projects. In between I also prepared a bulk order from the health food store which took about 2 hours. A relatively unused distributor, so I had to read almost the entire 2" thick catalogue scanning for their new products, and stockpiling for season. This part is not so fun.

I went inside to do prep for tomorrow's breakfast. When I finished that, I noted 3 of my 4 cats bundled on the bed. Napping. I crashed their party. Ahh.... a nap! Somehow I managed to get dressed for the gym, head out the door to drop the order off, and make boot camp class with 10 minutes to spare.

Driving home I scanned the dial for some music, and watched the sky turn fire red. Once home, I made something to eat, then headed onto the beach in the dark to retrieve my projects which were left to dry in the long gone sun.

I'm not sure if today is typical, but its not unusual. Long hours. Recreation mixed in with chores, and some exercise to ward off the death fairy another day. I've logged close to 15 hours so far today, and still have another chore to do.

I never aspired to be an innkeeper. Absolutely I'm not curing cancer, but then again I never did that anyway. I like what I do, I like where I live. I meet mostly very kind, interesting and diverse people. I hang out with endangered species, a sage 101 year old man, and a rogue beach cat named Peri. Some days I may want to drive a nail through my skull, but most days I don't. Today was good. I didn't bicker with Mr. Happy Vegan once and looking over things, percentage wise more of my day was "play" than "work." This is really not too shabby considering its a Wednesday in October when in a past life I would've been trapped in an office somewhere pondering lunch, as well as a painfully slow clock.

Percentages. I like batting over 500, I like this as a goal, and I like that I hit my mark again today.

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