
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Creature Comforts

I spent the better part of yesterday in bed reenacting Cameron's pseudo-death scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.   Unfortunately for me, The Cameron Scene means I was out of commission for a day. Boo hiss.

It was coming on for several days, this I knew.  I ramped my Vitamin C intake up to a level I won't confess to in these writings, and complimented it with Zinc.  Then I reduced my Zinc because a wise friend told me I was feeling foofey in the tummy because of too much Zinc.  Once I got that under control, there was a brief moment of stability, then it all went south.  That's where the Cameron pseudo-death scene came into play, and my day ended.

I watched about 11 episodes of Sex in the City, a couple hours of home shopping, a cupcake show, a few minutes of vintage "Pop Up Video" (who knew that was even still in rotation?!), an infomercial, as well as a laundry list of other shows on the idiot box.  I was miserable, and there wasn't much for consolation.  Until I realized I was surrounded by my cats.  Not even surrounded, I was actually enveloped by my cats.  They knew I was unwell, and offered me comfort.

I had 3 of the 4 cats with me all day yesterday.  Even Pink Moon, my "invisible kitty" who spends 95% of her waking daytime moments under the covers, was out offering me comfort.  She sat quietly on me for hours as I watched tv to a backdrop of palm fronds swaying outside in the sunshine.  Luciana and Lemon stayed for the day as well, but they did find the need to do more frequent "patrols" around the room than Pink.

Creature comforts were offered up in full effect yesterday.  I'm moving around today better than yesterday, and am considering a road trip down to the Key West Flower Show today, the one that Sue used to take me to.  Last year's efforts to find a proper planting in honor of Sue didn't go so well. The Key deer nudged the cages aside, and dined on the "Sue plants" as if they were baby greens mixed just for them.  I didn't have the heart to stop the deer, after all they were here first, and have more rights out there than I do.  So, maybe we'll head down to the show today after all.

I'm a bit of an optimist, and hoping that if any scene from Ferris Bueller is going to happen at my house today, its the "what AREN'T we going to do today" clip.

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