
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sara's Day - In Photos

I admit, I am not a strong picture taker.  In fact, in most areas involving technology, I certainly have my ups and downs, usually more downs than ups.

I'm posting some pictures I took at Sara's release. I knew when I was there I was limited in my ability to take good photos. The crowd was large, press was there, and most importantly I didn't want to obstruct anything involving her release. So, I took a back seat so to speak, figuring I could obtain copies of better photos from other people.

Dr. Doug (the hero veterinarian who saved Sara's life) was there for the release and was shooting pictures like mad. But, he was also directly involved in the release, so for a time his camera was turned over Mr. Happy Vegan to continue that photo shoot.  I did get a disc from  Dr. Doug with some very nice photos, however I have had trouble uploading them to my computer. This is why I haven't posted anything, I was struggling and hoping the problem could be resolved. It hasn't.  Without further adieu, here's Sara's release, in photos:

This poster explains what happened. It was an act of unbelievable cruelty.  The reward is still in place.

Here is Dr. Doug, Turtle Warrior, Saver of Lives.
This is the face of a hero.

This is a close up of Sara in the tub prior to release.
See that big circle near her eye?  That's where the very long spear entered.
1/4 inch in either direction would've meant certain death.  Even so, its a miracle she was found alive.

Here is Sara in the tub.
Closest to the camera is Richie Moretti, Turtle Hospital founder.
Also shown is Tom, another dedicated turtle warrior from the hospital.
More warriors; more heroes.
Richie is very serious and passionate about sea turtles. His vision has saved the lives of hundreds of sea turtles, MANY thousands when you figure in the hatchlings that have been rescued and released through the years.

Sara is carried down to water's edge.
Look! Look!  She's peeking up over the edge!
She can smell the sea air! She can see her home!!!
 She's now seconds away from release!

The tub is gently lowered...... 

She springs forth from the tub into the sea!
As her flippers hit the water, she gets her first taste of her ocean home since being rescued. 
She swam so fast, she was actually "snow plowing." 
She is jubilant!

Rejoice!  Rejoice! Rejoice!

Everywhere I look, I see Sara in the sea.
Sara is home.
Isn't she beautiful?
Yes. Yes, she is.

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