
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Summer Re-visited

We had some cooler weather, then some downright uncomfortable weather (in the 60s!) As I was preparing breakfast yesterday morning, I realized "it is hot." Not just a little hot, and not just hot from the oven, warming drawer and 2 burners I had going all at the same time. No, it was weather hot.

Our doors were open, the windows were open. The cool-ish weather makes me open anything with a hinge around here, doors flung wide open everywhere. But at some point, without me even noticing, summer crept back into my home. I should've been happy at that moment, instead I was busy dealing with a droplet of sweat working it's way off my brow, which unless I'm running, in a boot camp class, or sitting on my beach, is just wrong. I began to get cranky.

I soldiered on through the morning, but it seems by 8am I was "no fun" to be around. That, from Mr. Happy Vegan. I heard windows sliding shut, doors clunking closed, and then felt cool air rush over me. He had turned on the AC.

If I didn't have to cook/bake for part of my living, I don't think I'd even own air conditioning. Ok, I'd own it, it came with the house, but its not likely I'd use it often. When I lived at the shore, somehow I managed to live without air conditioning. Jalousie windows and open doors were my cooling system. When I lived in the mountains, the only reason I'd run the air in the summer was when I had elderly companion animals, they really don't do well in the heat. I worked out yesterday on my street, and found myself such a mess afterwards that I needed to shower BEFORE going to the gym for boot camp. That's some testimonial for a hot day.

I hear a cold front is coming through. I think I must have some of my old fears left in me. Instantly I heard "cold front" and I thought "nooooooo!" Visions of socks (I have a few pairs of them), thermies (which I don't own), sweaters (another thing I don't own) and boots (ok, I have them, but never wear them. this is the KEYS!) all flashed in my mind. I worried about the animals outside, and worried about me freezing in the cold. You can spot a local down here in 2 seconds when the weather turns. I've seen people wearing long coats & gloves when the thermostat hits 65, but most of us simply pile on every item of clothing we own any time the temperature dips. Fashion sense truly goes out the window at those times.

In order to "prepare" mentally, I looked up the weather then had a dose of my reality. Cold front means 70s. This one means high 70s. Whew, what a relief.

But, for now, its still hot. Its approaching 10pm and its about 75 degrees outside. I've got cookies in the oven, another batch on tap, and then some banana bread, all for friends coming in to visit. From the "cold zone." New Jersey. Poor souls they are, no one should have to live where the sun sets around 5pm, and the thermometer reads 45. In November.

My AC is still on, I'm not as cranky (according to me at least). Aggie is running thorough the house, bolting from here to there, with Pink Moon's purple fuzzy toy. She's dropped it at my feet a few times, snatched it away, and then is gone in a flash. She was re-born once the AC kicked on too, but I really think it may be more she smells oatmeal raisin cookies and is hoping for a taste.

I'm happy summer came back for a quick stop, but too bad I'm already in "fall" mode. Baking like a fiend, making soups every other day (carrot soup is on queue), and all the other stuff that comes with autumn. If the front stalls for a few hours, I'll have a moment or two where I hope I can kick back on the beach for a moment, sip something sparkly and watch nature go by.

If not, there's always carrot soup waiting for me. In the high 70s.

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