
Friday, December 23, 2011

Like It or Not, Here It Come

Yeah, definitely, like it or not, Christmas is pretty much upon us. We're still busy here, lots of extra obligations, baking, visiting, hosting, and etc.  I took some time for myself today, had a long overdue salon appointment, did a small amount of shopping in our local fabulous stores, then tonight went out to eat with the other happy vegan.  It was a relatively calm afternoon and evening in the middle of absolute chaos.  As we were finishing our black bean burgers at Parrotdise tonight, I remarked about what I thought was a star now jammed on top of the ocean growing bridge tree.  He was game for a ride up (especially since I was doing the driving), so we made the trek up over the bridge.  I'm not sure who the light artist was this year, but they really went all out with lights, there's way more than last year.  Since the tree that I'm referring to is truly growing out of the old 7 Mile Bridge in the middle of the ocean, there is no stopping to admire the sight.  Even at the late hour we made the ride, traffic was surprisingly busy.  I didn't see the star lit up.  I looked as best I could.  Maybe we'll have time to take another drive, and I will be the passenger.  I wish I could have a picture to show you.  It really is remarkable to see these lights when all you would normally see is black sky set against black water.  Its so dark at night down here.

So, here we are days away from Christmas.  Remember, I live in a place where it is politically correct to say "Merry Christmas."  No happy holidays stuff down here because we know our neighbors, and know who celebrates what.  And, thus, some people who are close to me know me well enough to wish me "Happy Solstice" as I was out and about yesterday.  I don't hold it against anyone wishing me a Merry Christmas.  I wish them the same, and know that happy greetings are meant to be graciously received.  And, even though I really don't celebrate Christmas in traditional ways, I have for decades looked upon this time of year as one of a spirit of good will.  You can never go wrong with that.

Recapping the last few days, I should let you know that one night as I was driving on the way to boot camp at the gym, I came upon yet another injured cormorant.  She was just standing in the bike path.  I was running late for class, but there was no way I was going to drive by.  So, I grabbed one of the rescue towels I had in my car, and walked right up to her.  She didn't try to get away from me, she just let me hood her.  It wasn't until she was enveloped that she panicked.  She tried really hard to peck her way out of that towel, but that wasn't gonna happen.  I scooped her up, took her to my car, deposited her on my lap, and called the other happy vegan.  Within minutes I had transferred her to his care, and he was off to Maya. The good news was that initial evaluation led Maya to believe she only had a bruised wing.  She would heal, and go home to the wild.

Another rescue that happened the day before was of the gecko variety.  As I was brushing my teeth, Lemon was fixated upon the ceiling.  Upon closer inspection, when I looked up I saw the Geico Gecko stuck to my bathroom ceiling.  It would have been curtains for him if I just left him up there, my cats are determined that any gecko who comes into their zone doesn't  make it out unscathed.  So, I woke up the other happy vegan, and we tag teamed the gecko.  I climbed up onto the bathroom vanity and with a very long pole helped shoosh him towards the safety of a glass, where he then made a graceful exit outside onto our porch.  Crisis averted.

I've still got some baking to do.  I have some care packages that didn't get prepared on time for friends.  I kind of resigned myself that not everything could be accomplished on the appointed self-imposed schedule.  So, I think on Christmas Day I will be doing a little more baking, a little more boxing and packaging, and then next week, a little more shipping.  On "UNCLE" day those chores were a few of the things that I had to simply let go.

I've given it my best shot once again this year.  I cooked, I baked, I cleaned, I worked.  I wrapped, I delivered, I packaged, I shipped.  I laughed and I cried.  I ran, I worked out, I ate chocolate, and I ate biscotti.  Sometimes I did all those things in one day, and most of those things in one hour (or so it seems).  Its been a blur, and admittedly I didn't take my usual advice to sit back and enjoy the ride. I'm going to be glad when all the hustle and bustle is over.  I hope you have had time to enjoy the fun parts of the holiday, and that what you remember most is not the work, but the rewards.

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