
Monday, November 21, 2011

He's Back!

Peri is back!  You say you didn't even know he was gone?  Well, that would be correct.  I didn't want to panic the planet.  He went on walkabout, but came home in the dark this morning.

Peri had gone walkabout one other time a few years ago.  I vaguely remember it, his trip lasted about 3 days give or take.  I say I vaguely remember mostly because I want to black it out, not remember a time that he wasn't here.

Peri is not our kitty.  He does have a very good home, food, love, shelter and medical care.  Peri is micro-chipped, tagged, collared and vaccinated. Yet, if you've been to Deer Run, you know he spends a large portion of his time here.  Sure, he's a child of the Universe, but he's still "my boy" and I love him dearly.  He is one of the most complicated, expressive, loving felines I have ever met.  I absolutely adore him, I don't remember life without him.

Two days ago Peri did not show up for dinner.  Unusual, yes, but he sometimes comes late after he's had about 6 other dinners, including at home. It wasn't until yesterday morning when he didn't show for breakfast that I began to panic.  His sister Elsa came, and seemed lonely. She ate, but not as well. I banged the dish but no response. I waited about 1/2 hour and sat to read the paper, but couldn't. I was too worried. I shot an email out to his main family to see if they'd seen them, and the other happy vegan phoned over there.  No, they hadn't seen him either.

I hoped on my bike and pedaled up and down the street calling for him. Looking for him. Listening for him.  No response.  I ditched my plans for the flower show.  I couldn't really do anything until I knew Peri was ok.

All day long yesterday I would walk the beach, the street, and through neighboring properties calling for Peri.  "Peri! Peri! Winkle, where ARE you?"  Nothing.  All day. All night again.  I woke up about 4am-ish, restless. I wanted to call for Peri, but its so darn quiet here I knew it would disturb sleeping guests and neighbors.  So, I tossed and turned fitfully until I got back into a light sleep.  Suddenly the other happy vegan burst into the bedroom, it was still dark out, before 6am "PERI'S BACK! HE'S HERE NOW!"  I dashed up and out of bed (I swear, a true miracle for a non-morning person) and bolted outside to the deck.  There he was in all his glory, chowing down on his first, second, third, or fourth breakfast of the morning.  Or, maybe not... maybe he hadn't eaten at all while on walkabout. He wouldn't say.

I lavished him with praise and words of love.  I petted him and cried while he ate. He didn't care about my joy, he cared about his food. I didn't disturb him too much, its never right to disturb an animal while eating (nor a happy vegan while she's eating, for the record). I just knew I had joy in my heart to touch his soft grey fur, to see his tiny little self.

While Peri was away, everything around here reminded me of him.  He has entrenched completely into Deer Run, this place breathes Peri.  My deck is his tanning bed.  The sea oats are his shady retreat.  My back walkway is his dining room, and the beach is his playground.  I see him everywhere, and that is why yesterday was so painful for me. I saw him everywhere, but he was not there.  It was difficult not to become overwhelmed with grief simply by his brief absence.  It was a very difficult day for me.

Peri is back. His parents are happy, we're happy, Elsa is happy and even the sun seems brighter this morning.  Welcome back Peri, and don't do that again!

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