How do you like these pictures? One is a snapshot of a few moments of my life this past Sunday at Hands Across the Sand. The other picture is a snapshot of why I went to this demonstration. Talk about a picture worth 1000 words.
Hands Across the Sand is a grassroots effort to make a statement by joining hands on a beach with like minded people, standing up and saying "no" to oil drilling. I realize our oil habit won't go away overnight, for many reasons. I realize holding hands with other people who care won't make oil go away either. I do think it boosts morale, lets suffering people know they're not alone, makes a statement in solidarity and hope, and is important.
I believe we're far too overdue in making long term plans for more sustainable sources of energy, and really working towards implementing those plans. On Sunday, I found myself in the company of like minded people. It made me feel good.
I was listening to a well respected national radio broadcaster who was interviewing a panel of energy experts (including someone from the oil industry). The general consensus was basically that "we'll get there (to renewable energy, and off oil), eventually." Its more a matter of how much kicking and screaming there will be between now and then. Interesting take.
Back to my sandy hands.
This event was held across the country, and throughout the world. At least, that was the plan. I think it worked out.
I'm sure there were beaches that didn't have someone there to lift them up for the event. I know for a fact that there was at least 1 beach that had "only" 1 person for the event. "Only." That's a powerful world. I read it can mean "merely"or it can mean "entirely." I like "entirely" in this case. One of my facebook friends posted she was the "only" one to show up at her Sandy Hands. Well, I think its then even more important that she went. I'm very proud of my 1 friend who went and stood alone. See, the point of this is solidarity, gratitude, respect, fortitude,and hope. I was not alone, but the thought did cross my mind along with the others I was around. "What about the lonely beaches" and "what about those beaches with 1." So many of us together thought about those things, had a moment of silence, said blessings, and simply gave thanks for what is on this place we call Earth. Those unattended beaches, and those attended "only" by 1 were more than the sum total of 1.
Its really important, I think, to be part of things that are bigger than ourselves. I think the best in humankind is brought out when we're bigger than ourselves. Its important, very important, to stand for something, especially when its a matter of justice. Justice is underrated these days.
Together we stood for a few moments, linked hand in hand. I wish we had more hands joined, there's never enough. I wish we were holding hands across the planet, covered completely with no missing links. But, it wasn't that way. Then again, I do believe a great man named Martin Luther King, Jr. said something like "you don't have to see the rest of the staircase to take the first step." Its thoughts like that which make me pause and give thanks for the driving force behind Hands Across the Sand, my sandy feet, and in the end made my heart a happy, sandy heart.
See you next time, Hands Across the Sand - 2011.