
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Vegan Month of Food 2018 Day 30: Swan Song

Today is the last day for Vegan Month of Food 2018. Our prompt is "kitchen tour." We are not ready for that because of the hurricane. Instead, I shot a video for you on egg replacers as someone suggested I do this when I asked "what would you  like to see?" There are so many more vegan egg replacers than there used to be even just a couple years ago, it can be confusing for sure. I don't use the same replacer for every application. I have issues down here with the relentless heat (especially in summertime) and year round humidity. I've refined what works best for me. In different climates, different things may work better for you. Here's a picture of most of the different items I use. Scroll down for the video as well as a link to a really nice chart of measurements and applications for almost all the viable egg replacers you'd ever want to use.

Here's the link to the egg replacer chart I really liked:

Thank you for following the bouncing ball for Vegan Month of Food this year. Hopes are I'll be back one way or another for 2019, with any luck. This blog is always up and running, feel free to throw suggestions my way. I'll be writing a little more frequently, a lot is happening right now with the preparations for reopening, it's been a long road with a few more miles to go, but it's nice to be working with furniture designing instead of having conferences with lawyers.

See you soon!
Vegan love to you and yours, always.


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