
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Innkeeping 101(b)

I had a better post written in my mind, but it will wait another day. Instead, be treated to another day in the life of this innkeeper.

A while ago, I posted some advice for any wanna-be innkeeper out there, essentially saying keep a first aid kit in the kitchen. I should have added a post script to that:

Innkeeping 101(b).  Keep a tool kit in there as well.

It has been a wild ride of baking in my kitchen lately.  I've experimented with several new recipes (some ok, some not so ok), and done huge volumes of old tried and trues.  Tossed here and there I've brought out a couple of "old friends" one of which is my red velvet cake recipe.  Good Food Conspiracy here on Big Pine Key has organic USA grown beets in stock, so I grabbed a few.  It's been far too long since I've played with red velvet anything (oh no, I never perfected those red velvet brownies by the way.... still hanging my head in shame on all those efforts), but my red velvet cake recipe is perfection.  After making several dozen cookies, I whipped up a batch of red velvet cupcakes.  Into the oven they went. When the timer went off, I opened the oven to spin the pan around (always remember good baking habits kids.... turn your pans to insure even cooking), I looked at the thermometer and saw the temperature had plummeted to below 200.  At first I thought we had run out of propane (nope), and then I tried a few times to turn the oven off and on (sometimes works, this time not).  I knew what was wrong, the igniter in the oven had once again gone bad.  We have a lousy oven, one that we spent a lot of money for, yet is imperfect in its design.  I believe what happens with this particular model is it gets so hot, it actually blows a hole through the igniter.  In the few years we have had this oven, we have gone through on average 4 igniters a year.  What is the company's solution to this defect?  Simply to ship us new parts.

Enter tool kit.

I am thankful I live with someone who is able to fix things.  Around here, things constantly are breaking.  Part of it is simply living in such a harsh oceanfront environment.  Other times, its things like the oven.... poor design and manufacture quality.  At least this time the igniter didn't crap out on me during breakfast, or when I'm doing a custom baking order (known to happen on multiple occasions).  I'm sure it would be interesting to be an outsider and watch me during one of those moments.

If you ever want to know what type of oven NOT to buy, email me.

My little red velvet cupcakes sat half baked in their pans.  I ran down the back steps and summoned the other happy vegan upstairs to install a new igniter.  Within 15 minutes the job was done. That other happy vegan well he's got this igniter thing down to a science like a race car pit crew.  I'm not sure my (organic! vegan) red velvet cupcakes can be salvaged.... they began to sink by the time I got them back in their happy hot home, and they're still in there now as I write.

Trust me on this.  I'm giving all you future innkeepers very sage advice.

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