
Friday, October 7, 2011

Ow, Ow, Ow

I told you I was going to be "back on the beam" so to speak. After a couple weeks off the wagon of running and working out, I went back to it this week. My prediction was pain.  I was right.

I woke up last night with a sneezing fit, no reason why.  The sneezes weren't the problem.  It was the after effect of each sneeze.  The way it felt, I would've thought I've got several broken ribs or something. But no, it's just aftermath of working out after not working out.

I've been running, I've been back in boot camp, and I've been doing strength training.  All this "good for me" stuff is probably going to kill me. Presently, at the very least its interfering with my already less than satisfactory quality of sleep.

Years ago, one of my workout buddies and I would have frequent conversations about exercise. We pondered together the pre-eminent question on our own minds about exercise; that being if exercise prolongs your life, what if it only prolongs it for the exact amount of time we spent in the gym.  Hey, I didn't say we were GREAT thinkers, just thinkers.

In another day or two my pain will be a faded memory. Its hard to believe that my brief hiatus has this much impact on my aging body. I can only say that the proof is in the sneezes... that and "ow, ow, ow."

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