
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome New One!

I guess I was kind of waiting to put a new post up until I had something worthwhile to say. Sure we're doing all the usual and regular things around here running the place and living in Paradise. We're still dealing with some tough issues on regional environmental concerns which are plugging along slowly, and I'm hopeful someday I'll share better news there. But today driving out to run an errand, I saw a brand new baby Key deer in the scrub. She was very tiny, her spots were brilliant bright white. She was beautiful, just beautiful. This is something worth sharing.

The babies are growing up so fast, their spots are fading quickly. Some of the fawns don't even have ANY spots left at all. So, seeing the brand new baby made me really happy. I won't go back up there with a camera, she's too small, her mommy was very close by and I hope she will come to fear people instead of embracing humans. No good usually comes from humans interacting with endangered species.

Another great thing recently was a mom and baby dolphin cruising past the inn just offshore a couple days ago. I was shocked at how close they were to the shoreline, even though it was high tide. I scanned the ocean for a while after watching them go by, hoping to see a whole pod, or even catch a glimpse of just one more. I didn't see anymore that morning. But, I thought about those 2 all day, and still am thinking about them. So beautiful.

I've seen a few white crowned pigeons lately, and one day when I woke up last week, I saw over 2 dozen shore birds picking through the sea grass and fishing the flats. There were at least 5 different species of large shore birds including great white heron, a yellow crowned night heron, tri color heron, egret, and both adult and juvenile ibis. That's not even mentioning all the little shorebirds like pipers and so forth that were running here and there.

I love living here. It is Paradise in my eyes. I never get bored, I never need to be entertained, and I very rarely lose my focus of what is important in life in the long term scheme of things. And, I really love sharing it with you.

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