
Friday, July 15, 2011

Hi There

Hi there, I'm back. I'm not really sure where time goes, but it goes. We had family in town for a visit, and when that happens I just can't be responsible for accounting of my time, that's impossible. I have no idea what I've been doing for the last few days, but here I am back at the computer like it never even happened.

We're still working on the environmental injustice issue I've spoken of, and although I'm not overly optimistic, I'll simply say what can be done has been done as far as notice. Where the chips may fall I do not know.

Remember those pilot whales? Two are left. Another was euthanized about 2 weeks ago. Of the two survivors, the "experts" have determined that one is a calf that will not be able to survive in the wild, ever, so the search is on for a permanent home in captivity. How sad. The other adult whale is still being rehabbed, and has quite a way to go before health is restored, if health can be restored. The handling of the stranded whales as far as being rehabbed has polarized people. I'm not really sure which side I fall more on. I want them to survive, to thrive, but the thought of a wild animal in captivity for life makes me very sad. There's really no right answers. Its subjective. I can honestly say that so many people simply wanted to help save lives, nothing more complicated than that. Once scientists and such get involved, there may be some different intentions. But, what has happened, and the handling of it, are things way beyond my control. I do wish things were different. Who wouldn't.

I suppose I should not have saved this last tidbit for last, but here it is. Finally there is a turtle nest on our beach. The first of the season. Can you believe there's only been 1 other crawl? What's going on? I'm not sure. Ask 10 different people, you'll get 10 different answers, not even counting the "experts" and their opinions. But, the nest is here, at least we think it is. It SEEMS to be a nest, although there is a small doubt that it is maybe just a false crawl. We've all decided to be famously optimistic about this.... that it IS a nest, and of course it was surveyed (drawing, mapping, measuring), marked, and calculations are done for the hatch. Keep your fingers crossed.

That's it for today. I'm a bit on the tired side, but I'm not sure why. I've been behaving myself in the sunshine, and not taxing myself too much with work. I suppose I'm sad the family has come and gone, all so quickly. But, I'll be back on my everyday routine now with chores, eating (I admit... cake AND pizza all in the same week?!! YIKES!), and of course running (eh, I fit it in almost every day, so no big complaints there. It has, however, been boiling hot when I am available to run, and that takes a lot out of me). See you next time, same bat channel, same bat time.

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