
Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Blog is Born!

Living the dream at Deer Run. Is that what we do? Its what most people tell us we do. Truth be told, it IS pretty amazing here. We live on an island actually closer to Cuba than to Miami, yet we're in the good old USA. We own and operate an eco-friendly, organic, vegan, bed and breakfast. We're the real deal. You've got to drive a lot of bridges to get to our island. I'm not a fan of bridges. I also cannot swim, and have an irrational fear of water. Bridges & water. There's a little irony in living here for me.

March has been a big month for us. We're featured in the current issue of VegNews Magazine (March/April 2010) and were just honored as the "Greenest Business of the Year - 2009" in the Florida Keys by Florida Keys GLEE. Also, the week before last, we attended training to be Save-a-Turtle volunteers, and also additional training in stranding and salvage. That means we can help assist hurt or dead turtles now too. All species of sea turtles are now either threatened or endangered. You cannot just go around touching these special animals, you've got to have training, and even with some training you've got to have permission from the authorities. Living where we do, there's often situations with sea turtles needing assistance. We feel its an obligation of ours to become involved with these mysterious creatures. So, as SAT volunteers, we'll be walking our appointed stretch of beach every day looking for turtle tracks and nests. We'll be writing a lot about that as the season wears on. Last year we walked the beaches too, and had some incredible experiences with sea turtles. I'll share some stories and photos in future entries. Looking forward to another season with the turtles!

The day has come to a close for me and this first blog entry. Let's see what tomorrow brings, shall we?

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